Presentation Survey of technological innovations in the living Environment

On 23 January 2015 the Council will publish a document entitled ‘Survey of technological innovations in the living environment’. The survey seeks to explore the impact of technological innovations on the human environment in the area of healthy food, efficient mobility, and ‘smart’ buildings. The Council has proposed five policy questions requiring urgent consideration by the government.


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About the survey

Drones, 4D, printing, synthetic biology and artificial intelligence are just a few examples of technological innovations related to healthy food, efficient mobility and smart buildings that will affect the human environment. Technological developments are occurring at an increasingly rapid pace. The applications of technology are also becoming ever more interrelated in our increasingly complex society. The Council has noted closer interaction between technology and society, and a new dynamic emerging in technological developments. Government and society are faced with new challenges. What are the implications for the role of government?

Read more about the Survey of technological innovations in the living environment.

For more information about the survey, please contact Lianne Doeswijk, project leader, at

On 30 January 2015, Rli is organizing a conference called ‘Connecting the Dots: Acceleration, breakthroughs and co-creation in food, mobility and buildings’ at Media Plaza in Utrecht, the Netherlands, to present and discuss the results of the survey.