Rli commences advisory report on making business parks more sustainable

How can we accelerate the sustainability of business parks and the companies located there? What does this mean for the roles, responsibilities, and instruments of central government and other public authorities, market players, and society? These are the key questions in the advisory report that the Rli is preparing on making business parks more sustainable. For a long time, business parks received relatively little attention; the Dutch climate agreement, for instance, does not mention them. And that's despite the fact that business parks fulfil an important economic function and have a major impact on the living environment.

People sitting and reclining on the grass, surrounded by trees in front of building in a business park

The Rli believes that their sustainability needs to be given a boost. Reducing and greening energy use and mobility are lagging behind, as are promoting circularity, climate adaptation, and restoring biodiversity. There are also questions about how efficiently space is used in business parks, as well as about their accessibility. The Netherlands is aiming for a carbon-neutral, resource-efficient, nature-inclusive, and socially just society. As the workplace of the economy, business parks play a crucial role in this.

The Council expects to publish its report in the latter half of 2023.

Read more about the advisory report on “Making business parks more sustainable”. 

For more information about the advisory report, please contact the project leader, Evert Nieuwenhuis, evert.nieuwenhuis@rli.nl, +31 (0)6 21 92 65 01.