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101 news items

Rli commences advisory report Managing scarce space

14 December 2020 - Do the new national frameworks for the environment (Omgevingswet, Omgevingsvisie) provide sufficient guidance for taking on these challenges? The advisory report is scheduled to be issued at the end of 2021.

Publication advisory report 'Access to the City'

1 October 2020 - On 1 October 2020 the Council (Rli) published its advisory report 'Access to the City'

Publication advisory report 'Stop land subsidence in peat meadow areas'

3 September 2020 - On 3 September 2020, the Council published its advisory report ‘Stop land subsidence in peat meadow areas’.

Official start third term (2020-2024) of the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli)

1 August 2020 - Get to know the council members and junior council members

Council commences advisory process on economic recovery policy for the COVID-19 crisis

1 July 2020 - The Council has initiated an advisory process on economic recovery policy for the COVID-19 crisis.

Livestream online debate session ‘A grip on hazardous substances, EU perspective’

10 June 2020 - Livestream online debate session ‘A grip on hazardous substances, EU perspective’ 8 juni 2020 with contributions of European experts, stakeholders en Ngo’s.

‘A grip on hazardous substances, EU perspective’ – invitation to online debate session 8 June 2020

3 June 2020 - Invitation to online debate session 8 June 2020 - ‘A grip on hazardous substances, EU perspective’

Dutch Cabinet to increase their grip on hazardous substances

11 March 2020 - On 11 March 2020 the Council (Rli) published its advisory report 'A grip on hazardous substances'.

Rli commences five new advisory processes

11 February 2020 - The Rli presented its work programme for 2020-2021 and has commenced several new advisory processes.

Government must give stronger guidance on the transition to a sustainable economy – advisory report

10 December 2019 - On 10 december 2019 the Council (Rli) published its advisory report