Al publications

5 publications

Towards a Sustainable Economy

Advisory report
Rli - 3 November 2019
Climate change, raw materials scarcity and loss of biodiversity make the transition to a sustainable economy inevitable. How can the government steer the transition to a sustainable economy?

Desirable Tourism

Advisory report
Rli - 18 October 2019
How can we manage balanced growth in inbound and domestic tourism in the Netherlands, with the economy, local communities and the living environment being viewed as interacting elements?

European Agricultural Policy

Advisory report
Rli - 27 May 2019
The Council’s advice focuses on the possibilities for using the CAP to support the transition to circular agriculture.

Aviation Policy

Advisory report
Rli - 30 April 2019
In this advisory report, the Council considers whether a new approach is possible in aviation policy and, if so, whether it will lead to a change in the principles that underpin national policy and to new policy options

The Sum of the Parts - study

Rli - 9 April 2019
Sustainability agenda’s tend to overlap at the regional level. How do they converge and coalesce? What does this imply for an integrative approach?