
Viable and vibrant countryside

Summary Advice Strategies for the rural areas of the Netherlands

The Dutch minister of Housing. Spatial Planning and the Environment and his
colleague, responsible for Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries, requested the Council for
advice on the long term policy for the rural areas in the Netherlands. This policy is laid
down by the government in national policy documents on spatial planning and on the
management of nature and landscape1. The Council published its advice in September
1999 under the title ‘Viable and vibrant countryside – strategies for the rural areas’. The
Council had published at an earlier stage an advice entitled ’City Land-Plus’, in which a
number of spatial strategies on perspectives for urbanisation in the Netherlands were
recommended. This advice ‘Viable and Vibrant Countryside’ is complementary to this.


Global Sustainability and the ecological Footprint


On 23 December 1998 the Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (‘VROM’) requested the VROM Council to prepare an advice on the ecological
footprint. The introduction to the request refers to the fact that the effects of consumption and production in the Netherlands extend far beyond our national frontiers. Given that the Netherlands has a shared responsibility for promoting sustainable development, there is a need to gain insight into the ecological footprint of the Netherlands, the scope for modifying this footprint, and the significance of these matters for Dutch environmental policy.

Gerelateerde adviezen

Transition to a low-carbon energy economy

Advice for the Climate Policy Implementation Document

On 28 May 1998 the then Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the
Environment (VROM), Mrs. M. de Boer, asked the Council for Housing, Spatial
Planning and the Environment (hereafter often referred to as ‘the Council’) to draw up
an advice in connection with the third Conference of the Parties to the Climate Treaty,
for the purposes of the Climate Policy Implementation Document. This document was
foreshadowed in the Third National Environmental Policy Plan and is intended to broaden
and intensify policy to combat climate change. As part of the preparations for the
Implementation Document, the ECN (Netherlands Energy Research Foundation) and
the RIVM (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment) have drawn up a
document which summarises the options for reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases
and presents data in this regard1. Several sets of options are elaborated, corresponding to different reductions and selection criteria. The advice request is appended to this advice
as Annex 2. On 9 November 1998 the present Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and
the Environment, Mr. J.P. Pronk, addressed a supplementary request to the Council: that
the results of the fourth Conference of the Parties to the Climate Treaty in Buenos Aires
should be taken on board in the advice. He also requested the Council to organise a
debate on the advice of the Council and the Options Document.


City Land-Plus

advice on 'Netherlands 2030 - an Exploration of Spatial Scenarios' and 'Housing Scenarios 2030'
Advies bestand

This ‘City Land-Plus’ advice is compiled by the Council for Housing, Spatial
Planning and the Environment on two different scenarios of the future, one concerning
spatial developments and one concerning the development of housing in the Netherlands,
both with 2030 as the time horizon. The ‘City Land-Plus’ advice was published at
the request of the Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment and gives
an opinion on these two scenarios, which it is hoped will make a contribution to the
development of new policy.


Advice on the Draft European Spatial Development Perspective

March 1998

The Ministers for Spatial Planning and the Commissioner for Regional and
Cohesive Policy decided to initiate a discussion on the draft European Spatial
Development Perspective (ESDP) both in the respective member states and on the
European level. The goal of this discussion is to find out:

  • how the ESDP policy targets and options relate to existing policy,
  • how coherence and coordination between sectoral policies having spatial impacts can be improved through the spatial perspective suggested in the ESDP,
  • if new policy options need to be developed or if existing options can be adapted.