
Press releases

4 press releases

Energy transition in the built environment demands clarity

Rli 13 December 2018 - 13 December 2018 – Every building in the Netherlands should be heated from sustainable sources by 2050. The path to that outcome is still very uncertain: the respective responsibilities of the government and citizens, the allocation of costs and the extent to which citizens will be able to choose how they heat their own homes in future. These uncertainties have a negative effect on public support…

Advisory Council expresses concern about Dutch National Environment and Planning Strategy

Rli 20 November 2018 - 20 November 2018 – The National Environment and Planning Strategy, which is expected to be published early in 2019, is the Dutch government’s main instrument for orienting spatial development in order to ensure a good quality environment. Essential to achieving this is a coherent and integrative approach to the major environmental and development challenges facing the Netherlands. The Council for…

Better mobility requires different choices

Rli 23 May 2018 - 23 May 2018 - Expanding the capacity of the major road and rail networks cannot provide the answer to the Netherlands’ accessibility problems any longer. The investment strategy must better reflect people’s changing travel needs, make more use of new technologies and be more sustainable. This is the overall conclusion of the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure’s advisory report ‘Better…

Meeting climate targets requires a new food policy

3 April 2018 - In the long term, Dutch climate targets will inevitably lead to a lower permissible livestock production capacity and a change in diet. The Dutch government should prepare for this transition by developing a new food policy that will minimise the negative consequences and take advantage of the opportunities that will arise. This is the conclusion of the Council for the Environment and…