17 November 2014 -
Conference 'Connecting the Dots' - invitation
Drones, 4D printing, DNA sequencing, labs-on-a-chip, synthetic biology and artificial intelligence are just a few examples of possible disruptive innovations in food, mobility and buildings. They will inevitably interact, solving problems, creating new dynamics, and challenging society and governments. That is why the Dutch Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) has conducted a survey examining the impact of technological innovations on the public and private domain. Rli will present and discuss the survey results at the ‘Connecting the Dots’ conference
13 October 2014 -
Conference Connecting the Dots, save the date, 30 january 2015. Drones, 4D printing, DNA-sequencing, lab-on-a-chip, synthetic biology and artificial intelligence are just a few examples of disruptive innovations in food, mobility and buildings. They will inevitably interact, creating new dynamics and challenging society and governments. But what exactly are these challenges, and will we be able to adapt to them? Can we proactively leverage technology to help us cope with major societal and environmental issues?
13 October 2014 -
The EEAC network will have its 22nd annual conference – Balanced Future: Social Capital and Human Aspects of Sustainable Development- at 15-16-17 October 2014 in Budapest, Hungary.
The conference will offer a varied programme discussing different topics such as challenges in the fields of demography, health, generational imbalances and institutionalisation of Sustainable Development. The Conference will feature several keynote addresses by internationally recognized experts discussing the third dimension (people/social) of Sustainable Development.
14 August 2014 -
International scan 2014 - The secretariat of the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) has, at the request of the Council, conducted an international scan to support the production of the Council's Work Programme 2015-2016.
3 June 2014 -
Publication 'Recovering the costs of environmental damage - An advisory letter on financial indemnity requirements for high-risk companies'.
23 January 2014 -
Publication advisory letter ‘Living independently for longer - a shared responsibility of the housing, health and welfare policy domains’.