14 October 2021 -
The advisory report was issued on 14 October 2021 and presented to the Dutch Ministers of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Infrastructure and Water Management Interior and Kingdom Relations, Economic Affairs and Finance.
14 September 2021 -
EEAC and IEEP are organising a joint webinar at 20 September 2021 on the role of scientific advice in policymaking, and how science can be used in the context of European climate policymaking.
6 July 2021 -
How can the economic growth leap envisaged by the Dutch National Growth Fund be optimally linked to the transitions in the physical environment?
14 June 2021 -
Nuclear energy is taking centre stage as one of the options within the energy transition. The Council has been asked for an advisory report.
22 April 2021 -
Upon the invitation of EU institutions, a group of governmental and parliamentary advisory councils on climate change, the environment and sustainable development shared their insights on the mandate, tasks, composition and governance of a future European Climate Change Council (ECCC).
26 March 2021 -
On 13 April 2021 the OECD and EEAC Network organize a joint webinar on the findings from the OECD’s recently released Making Better Policies for Food Systems report and their implications for food systems policy development programmes.
26 March 2021 -
In the context of the ongoing negotiations on the EU climate law 12 advisory councils, members of the EEAC Network, sent a letter to EU policy-makers.
1 March 2021 -
The Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management submitted the Work Programme 2021-2022 of the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure to the House of Representatives.