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7 news items

Presentation Advisory Report ‘The Connecting Landscape’

6 December 2016 - On 8 November 2016, the Council presented its advisory report ‘The Connecting Landscape’ to the Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment and to the Minister for Agriculture.

International Scan 2016: Emerging Issues in an International Context

17 November 2016 - The International Scan 2016 has been conducted at the request of the board of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) and was written by the secretariat of the Dutch Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli). The International Scan gives an overview of relevant international and European policy developments and sketches trends and emerging issues which could become relevant for the EEAC network and its member councils over the coming years.

Challenges For Sustainable Development

10 November 2016 - In July 2016 the Council published 'Challenges For Sustainable Development - Main Focus Areas Identified In Advisory Reports Published In The Past Four Years By The Council For The Environment And Infrastructure'. Over the past few years, the Council has identified five major transformations that must be implemented urgently to support sustainable development in the Netherlands. Our competitive strength must be improved, whilst simultaneously achieving climate targets and enhancing the quality of life as well as that of the living environment.

Presentation Advisory Report ‘The Connecting Landscape’

8 November 2016 - On 8 November 2016, the Council presented its advisory report ‘The Connecting Landscape’ to the Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment and to the State Secretary of Economic Affairs. In its advisory report, the Council addresses the question of how the transition of the landscape that will accompany major and urgent sustainability challenges can and should be supervised.

Work programme 2017- 2018

20 October 2016 - The work programme for the 2017-2018 period consists a limited number of advisory reports, namely those that were already included in the previous work programme. The Council’s first term of office ended in August 2016. Five new members were appointed at the start of the second term of office. Based on the outcome of discussions to be held in autumn 2016 with the responsible members of the Dutch government, the Council will present an update of the 2017-2018 work programme in December 2016.

Beyond Mainports - publication

20 July 2016 - On Friday 1 July 2016, the Council presented the advisory report 'Beyond Mainports'. Secretary-General Maarten Camps (Ministry of Economic Affairs) and Director-General Mark Frequin (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment) officially received the advisory report ‘Beyond Mainports’ on behalf of their respective ministers.

Input hearing EESC 'Making the circular economy happen'

8 February 2016 - Circular economy: On the 28th of January 2016 the European Economic Social Committee (EESC) organised a hearing ‘Making the circular economy happen’. Stakeholders were asked to give their opinion on the European Circular Economy package, which the European Commission presented on 2 December 2015. The EESC will gather these inputs for his opinion on the European Circular Economy package. Colleague advisory councils (EEAC) informed the Rli about this possibility to give input.