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95 news items

The Rli is advising on aviation policy

24 January 2019 - The Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management is working on the Aviation Memorandum and has asked the Council for advice. The Council concludes that the worldwide continuing growth of aviation, the climate objectives and the quality of the living environment are at odds with one another. That conflict demands a new approach to aviation policy.

Energy transition in the built environment - advisory report Rli

13 December 2018 - Every building in the Netherlands should be heated from sustainable sources by 2050. The path to that outcome is still very uncertain: the respective responsibilities of the government and citizens, the allocation of costs and the extent to which citizens will be able to choose how they heat their own homes in future. These uncertainties have a negative effect on public support for the energy transition, the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) concludes in an advisory report titled ‘Warmly recommended: Towards a Low-CO2 Heat Supply in the Built Environment’, which was presented to Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Kajsa Ollongren on 13 December 2018.

Now online: The 25th EEAC Annual Conference Magazine

30 November 2017 - The EEAC Network celebrated its 25th Annual Conference in Maastricht, the Netherlands, with an extraordinary event entitled ‘Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy interface’.  The members of the EEAC board are very pleased to present the conference magazine. The magazine accompanies you on a journey through the conference day and includes articles, interviews, a column, videos and photo impressions.

New science-policy interface needed to drive forward the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development

16 October 2017 - On 12 October 2017 the 25th Annual Conference of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) took place in Maastricht, The Netherlands: Towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy interface.

EEAC conference on sustainable development and European cooperation within a new citizens-science-policy interface – 12 October 2017, Maastricht, The Netherlands

27 September 2017 - The 25th Annual Conference of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) will be held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, on 12 October 2017. The theme of the conference is ‘Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens-science-policy interface’.

EEAC Conference 2017

1 August 2017 - The EEAC Network is celebrating its 25th Annual Conference on 12 and 13 October 2017 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, with an extraordinary event, entitled:Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy interface.

The Council incorporates the knowledge and experience of younger generations in its work

9 February 2017 - At the start of its second term (2016-2020), the Council decided to appoint three junior members in order to incorporate the knowledge and experience of younger generations in its work. These junior members will participate in all Council activities.

Presentation Advisory Report ‘The Connecting Landscape’

6 December 2016 - On 8 November 2016, the Council presented its advisory report ‘The Connecting Landscape’ to the Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment and to the Minister for Agriculture.

International Scan 2016: Emerging Issues in an International Context

17 November 2016 - The International Scan 2016 has been conducted at the request of the board of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) and was written by the secretariat of the Dutch Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli). The International Scan gives an overview of relevant international and European policy developments and sketches trends and emerging issues which could become relevant for the EEAC network and its member councils over the coming years.

Challenges For Sustainable Development

10 November 2016 - In July 2016 the Council published 'Challenges For Sustainable Development - Main Focus Areas Identified In Advisory Reports Published In The Past Four Years By The Council For The Environment And Infrastructure'. Over the past few years, the Council has identified five major transformations that must be implemented urgently to support sustainable development in the Netherlands. Our competitive strength must be improved, whilst simultaneously achieving climate targets and enhancing the quality of life as well as that of the living environment.